MEDIT seminar: The impact of live-streamed operas in the cinema on the consumption of 'classic' live-operas in the music theatre
Speaker: Julia Roll (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar)
Place: N-315
Time: March 1, 15.30-17.00
Place: N-315
Time: March 1, 15.30-17.00
On March 1 (Wednesday), Julia Roll, a visiting researcher at BFM, will be giving a talk in N-315 at 15:30.
Within a cultural marketing context, Julia Roll is dealing with the impact of live-streamed operas in the cinema on the consumption of classic live-operas in the music theatre. In her presentation, she will give an overview of the results of her latest study, which explored the brand images of an opera in the music theatre and a live-streamed opera in the cinema in Germany. She will also touch on her current project, which compares Estonia and Germany in order to see if and how the brand images of live and streamed operas differ between countries and cultural contexts.
The talk will be followed by a Q&A. All are welcome to attend!
Within a cultural marketing context, Julia Roll is dealing with the impact of live-streamed operas in the cinema on the consumption of classic live-operas in the music theatre. In her presentation, she will give an overview of the results of her latest study, which explored the brand images of an opera in the music theatre and a live-streamed opera in the cinema in Germany. She will also touch on her current project, which compares Estonia and Germany in order to see if and how the brand images of live and streamed operas differ between countries and cultural contexts.
The talk will be followed by a Q&A. All are welcome to attend!