Arko's profile on the Estonian Research Portal
Select publications
Olesk, A. (2017). Beyond propaganda: science coverage in Soviet Estonian media. Journal of Science Communication, 16 (3). DOI: 10.22323/2.16030206.Scheu, A. M., Olesk, A. (2018). National Contextual Influences on Mediatization: The Comparison of Science Decision Makers in Estonia and Germany. Science Communication, 40 (3), 366−392. DOI: 10.1177/1075547018766917.
Olesk, A. (2019). Mediatization of a Research Group: The Estonian Student Satellite ESTCube-1. Science Communication, 41 (2), 196−221. DOI: 10.1177/1075547018824102.
Olesk, A. (2019). Media coverage of a strongly mediatized research project: the case of the Estonian satellite ESTCube-1. Mediální studia / Media Studies, 13 (1), 7−27.
Olesk, A., Kaal, E., Toom, K. (2019). The possibilities of Open Science for knowledge transfer in the science-policy interface. Journal of Science Communication, 18 (3). DOI: 10.22323/2.18030203.